Master The Art Of Drawing A Cruise Ship: An Interactive Guide On How To Draw A Cruise Ship From Scratch!

How to Draw a Cruise Ship: A Step-by-Step Guide


Welcome, cruise ship enthusiasts! Are you fascinated by the grandeur and elegance of cruise ships? Have you ever wanted to capture their beauty on paper? In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to draw a cruise ship. Whether you are an aspiring artist or simply looking for a creative outlet, this guide will help you bring your favorite cruise ship to life through your artwork. So gather your art supplies and let’s get started!

What You Will Need

Before we dive into the process of drawing a cruise ship, let’s gather the necessary materials. Here’s a list of what you will need:

how to draw a cruise ship - How to Draw a Cruise Ship Easy
How to Draw a Cruise Ship Easy

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Drawing paper
Colored pencils or markers (optional)

Once you have these materials ready, you’re all set to begin your artistic journey of drawing a cruise ship!

Step 1: Start with the Basic Shapes

Every drawing starts with basic shapes, and drawing a cruise ship is no exception. Begin by sketching a rectangular shape that will serve as the main body of the ship. Then, add a smaller rectangular shape on top of it to represent the deck. Use your ruler to ensure straight lines and proper proportions.

how to draw a cruise ship - Cruise Ship Easy Drawing Tutorial
Cruise Ship Easy Drawing Tutorial

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Next, draw a series of overlapping circles on the lower part of the ship to outline the placement of the propellers. Remember to use your compass to create precise circles.

Once you have the basic shapes in place, you can move on to adding more details to your cruise ship drawing.

Step 2: Add Details to the Ship

how to draw a cruise ship - How to Draw a Cruise Ship in -Point Perspective
How to Draw a Cruise Ship in -Point Perspective

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Now that you have the basic structure of the ship, it’s time to add more intricate details. Start by drawing the windows along the length of the ship. These windows can be rectangular or porthole-shaped, depending on the style of the cruise ship you are drawing.

Next, add the lifeboats by drawing small rectangular shapes on the sides of the ship. Don’t forget to draw the davits, which are the devices that hold the lifeboats in place.

Continue adding details such as railings, antennas, and chimneys to give your cruise ship drawing a realistic look. Take your time and pay attention to the placement of these elements to ensure accuracy.

Step 3: Outline and Shade

Once you are satisfied with the details, it’s time to outline your cruise ship drawing. Use a darker pencil or a fine-tipped pen to trace over the lines, making them more defined and prominent.

After outlining, you can add shading to create depth and dimension in your drawing. Decide on the direction of the light source and shade accordingly. This will make your cruise ship drawing appear more three-dimensional.

If you want to add color to your artwork, you can use colored pencils or markers to bring your drawing to life. Experiment with different shades and tones to achieve the desired effect.

Step 4: Final Touches

Now that you have completed the main drawing of your cruise ship, take a moment to review your artwork. Make any necessary adjustments or additions to enhance the overall composition.

Pay attention to small details and add highlights where needed to make certain elements stand out. This final step will add the finishing touches to your cruise ship drawing.


Congratulations, cruise ship aficionados! You have successfully learned how to draw a cruise ship. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your drawing skills and exploring your creativity. Drawing a cruise ship allows you to appreciate the intricate design and craftsmanship that goes into these majestic vessels. So grab your art supplies, unleash your imagination, and embark on a journey of artistic expression!

Final Remarks

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. The techniques and tips mentioned are based on general principles of drawing and may vary depending on individual preferences and styles. Always adapt and experiment with different techniques to develop your own unique artistic voice. Happy drawing!
